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Using Docker

Using Docker to install and run the software behind Wax can be a convenient strategy. To do so, you’ll need to first follow the steps on our Docker installation guide.

Next, complete the steps 1-6 on Copying the Demo template. Instead of running bundle install you should:

  1. Make sure you are inside your cloned repository (from Copying the Demo template). You can check where you are by running:
  2. Build the minicomp/wax base Docker image:
      docker build -t minicomp/wax .

    *Note: Make sure you copy the whole command above, including the “.” at the end!

  3. Create and access an interactive bash container from the image by running:
      docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/wax --name wax -p 4000:4000 minicomp/wax bash
  4. Inside the container, update the dependencies by running:
      bundle update
  5. Check that you have the wax_tasks available by running:
      bundle exec rake --tasks

Whenever you’re running Wax’s tasks to process collection data or running Jekyll to serve your site, you’ll have to do so from within this container.

You can exit any time by typing the command exit, which will destroy the container but not the base image. Create and access a new one as needed by running the command starting with docker run ... above.

*Note: Make sure you use Git commands outside the container, on your host computer!